As summer comes to a close, many individuals find themselves facing a sudden increase in credit card debt. Several factors contribute to this rise, often leading to financial strain that pushes some people to consider filing for bankruptcy. Understanding these causes...
How long can it take to buy a house after bankruptcy?
Bankruptcy can make many of life's milestones challenging, especially significant financial decisions like buying a home. In Texas, understanding the timeline as well as the steps required can help prepare you for home ownership again. Types of bankruptcy and waiting...
Steps you can take to stop repossession
The threat of vehicle repossession can upend your life. However, there are steps you can take to halt the process and keep your car. Quick action and understanding your options often make the difference. First, you need to know the various strategies that might help...
What is nonjudicial foreclosure and why is it important?
When a homeowner falls behind on their mortgage payments, the lender may choose to initiate a foreclosure process to recover the outstanding debt. One type of foreclosure that is prevalent in many states is nonjudicial foreclosure. Understanding nonjudicial disclosure...
What are some ways to improve your credit score after bankruptcy?
Bankruptcy can be a challenging financial setback, but it is not the end of your financial journey. In fact, it can serve as a starting point for rebuilding your credit. Understanding effective strategies to improve your credit score after bankruptcy is important for...
What are some common misconceptions about credit scores?
A credit score is a number that represents a person's credit history and tells lenders how risky it is for them to lend someone money. Many people are aware of their credit score, but may not know much about things like how to increase their score and how to repair a...
Which debts does a Chapter 13 bankruptcy impact?
When a person has to consider bankruptcy, Chapter 7 may seem preferable to Chapter 13. The reason is that Chapter 13 involves a repayment plan, while Chapter 7 might eliminate more debts. However, Chapter 7 is not available to everyone considering bankruptcy. Also,...
How can I get my creditors to stop calling?
Sometimes even your best efforts to make ends meet fall short and accounts fall behind. When you have accounts past due, you may face frequent creditor calls trying to collect that balance. Those calls can be stressful but they do not have to be. There are a few steps...
How does bankruptcy affect my credit score in the medium and long term?
Bankruptcy is a legal process that allows individuals to eliminate or restructure their debt. It is a serious financial decision that can have long-term consequences on an individual’s credit score. Bankruptcy can remain on an individual’s credit report for up to 10...
3 bankruptcy misconceptions
When times get hard, you may face the decision of whether or not to file for bankruptcy. While wrestling with that decision, remember that 399,269 people filed for bankruptcy in 2021, according to the United States Courts. Additionally, ensure that misconceptions do...