You can improve your credit score in the year or two following Chapter 7 bankruptcy. However, it will take about ten years before you see significant improvements. That is a significant reason many people fear filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. While it does hurt your...
How can credit card use spiral quickly into debt?
Most American adults have at least one credit card. If you count yourself among them, you may find your balance creeping up each month despite your good intentions. You are not alone in feeling like your credit card debt is spiraling out of control. Many people accrue...
5 myths about bankruptcy
Many people have understandable fears about filing for bankruptcy. However, those fears are often based on misinformation. These are five of the most common myths about bankruptcy. 1. You will not be able to get credit Your credit score may take a significant hit when...
Am I being harassed by my creditors?
When you owe money to creditors, there are certain legal steps that can be taken to recoup your debt. However, creditors must also ensure they do not cross the line and use illegal tactics, or they will be in a direct violation of your consumer rights. If you believe...
3 illegal types of creditor harassment
A debt of even a couple thousand dollars can be enough for debt collectors to hound you. To prevent these calls from becoming abusive, lawmakers enacted the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act, which covers all household, family and personal debts. While debt...
Understanding bankruptcy exemptions
People face financial strains for various reasons. In some cases, a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy can help to provide relief and to get debtors on the track to financial stability. For those considering the bankruptcy process, it is important to understand the...
Are you preparing to attend the 341 meeting?
If you are filing either Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you must attend what is known as the 341 meeting. On the surface, this may seem a bit daunting, since your creditors receive notification of the date and time and may attend. However, if you know...
If your vehicle is about to be repossessed, you have options
If you have fallen behind on your car or truck payments, the lender may be threatening to take it back. You need your vehicle for work, to take the kids to school, to go grocery shopping. How will you manage if the repo man comes? Take a deep breath; you have options...
2 common myths about bankruptcy debunked
Many people in Houston are struggling with debts. Some of these individuals may find themselves stressing over how to pay their car notes, mortgages and household expenses each month. As stressful as it is dealing with debt and not knowing where your next dollar may...
How to prevent another bankruptcy
Once the bankruptcy process is complete and you are debt free, it is not time to rest easy. Of course, filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy will put your burdens behind you and allow you a fresh start. Your next goal is to stay on the right financial track. If you do not...